The RetroSupply Secret Vault

Here at RetroSupply headquarters we're constantly making new products. Some make the cut. Some don't. But occasionally something really cool comes along. But it's not quite big enough or the right fit to be a product. But it's still cool. These items go into the RetroSupply Vault. As a perk of being a subscriber I wanted to offer some of these products to you free!​


RSCo Secret Vault

​Like any business, as we create products for you we're left with scraps, extra, and other materials we can't properly package as a product.

These little treasures

Grain Elevator Textures

​These textures were photographed in grain elevators inside a hops warehouse the middle of the Yakima valley in central Washington one warm summer morning.

These kinds of textures are great for using as overlays in your work. Just place them on top of your work and play with the blending modes. My favorite blending modes are Multiply, Linear Burn and Screen.

Greasy Spoon Font

Last year I took my first trip to the Southern United States (Columbus, Georgia to be precise). Between all the friends I met and the barbecue I was in love. This font is affectionately called Greasy Spoon after all the local breakfast joints.

None of them really had greasy spoons. But it evokes a certain comfortable feeling of a friendly, old diner, with beams of morning light breaking through the blinds.