Build a Profitable Side Hustle

Learn how to choose a profitable side hustle and how to start making money fast in this one day event taught by Brad Woodard and Dustin Lee (over one million dollars in revenue from side hustles).

UPDATE: This event has been postponed. Date TBA. Stay tuned

The Speakers

Learn to build a profitable side hustle from two creatives who have made over one million dollars from projects they're passionate about.

Brad Woodard

Do you have a passion that you want to turn into a business?

Have you been struggling on your side-hustle and hit a wall?

Say hello to the Side Hustle Bootcamp for Creatives featuring Brad Woodard from Brave the Woods and Dustin Lee from RetroSupply Co.

Dustin Lee

Do you have a passion that you want to turn into a business?

Have you been struggling on your side-hustle and hit a wall?

Say hello to the Side Hustle Bootcamp for Creatives featuring Brad Woodard from Brave the Woods and Dustin Lee from RetroSupply Co.

The Agenda

Beyond workshops you'll also get the chance to meet other creative entrepreneurs, participate in a live Q&A, and be a part of an action-based talk packed with real-world tips and tricks for launching your side hustle.

1:00 PM
Finding and monetizing your side hustle.
3:00 PM
Work on your ideas, grab lunch, explore
3:00 PM
Make friends, network, vendors
7:00 PM
Lecture + Panel
60-minute lecture with Brad and Dustin, Live Q&A

The Tickets

Each ticket includes 2 workshops, networking, 1 lecture, 1 panel, and 50 participants.

UPDATE: This event has been postponed. Date TBA. Stay tuned

“He gave me the right boost and never overpromised. The product launched and in 24 hours made $2000.”

Lenny Terenzi
Hey! Monkey

“Nobody has ever made me more convinced that I could create a side hustle than Dustin. An eye opener!”

Dave Clayton
Astute Graphics

“There were so many things I would have done wrong if it hadn't been for Dustin, his processes make SO much sense.”

Brittany Barnhart
Just Curious LLC

Six REasons you Should Go

1. Find and Monetize Your Passion

Building a profitable side hustle doesn't have to be hard. Learn the steps to turn your passion into a profitable business from entrepreneurs that have successfully built six-figure businesses from their side hustles.

2. Reclaim your Freedom

Stop taking freelance work you hate just to make your ends meet. Start using that time to do what you love and make money in the process.

3. Meet Other Creative Entrepreneurs

What of the little known secrets of creating a successful side hustle is knowing other creatives who can help to amplify your idea and marketing. Meet like minded creatives that help propel you towards success.

4. Get Action Based Tips for Success

Don't take advice from people who have never done what they're talking about. Brad Woodard and Dustin Lee have both built and launched multiple products that have made $10,000+ each. Learn their best strategies.

5. Talk with Successful Side Hustlers

Reading blog posts and books on building a side hustle is very different from talking with creative entrepreneurs who have been in the trenches. Get real perspectives and save yourself hundreds of hours of struggling to find answers.

6. Embrace Possibility

One of the biggest challenges of building a profitable side hustle is mentally believing you can do it. By the end of the bootcamp you'll be convinced you can build a successful side hustle too!

The Venue

The bootcamp will be held at Hatch Innovation located at 2420 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 97232.

The SPonsors

Thanks to all the sponsors that made this day possible. They deserve a grand applause!