Free Medical Clip Art

Free Medical Art

7 Authentic Medical Engravings, Illustrations and Ephemera

Add the distinct vibe of vintage medical art to your next project. Each high-resolution illustration is from the creepy, yet awesome, Library of Health published in 1918 — gotta love a medical book that includes diagram of the brain and how to read palms!

Want even more medical clip art? Grab our commercial Medical Art Bundle with over 100 pieces of high-resolution clip art.

Enter your email below to subscribe to the RetroSupply newsletter and we'll send you 7 pieces of authentic medical clip art FREE!

The Free Medical Clip Art Pack Includes:

  • 7 pieces of medical clip art. Includes transparent PNG for high-resolution use.
  • From the Library of Health. A highly sought after medical book published in 1918.
  • 4 pieces of ephemera. The pages from this book are beautiful and perfect for digital collage. Enjoy!

Important: Please read copyright statement provided with download for full terms of use.